Samarakoon Tractor Industries (Pvt) Ltd - Minuwangoda, Sri Lanka
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Company name
Samarakoon Tractor Industries (Pvt) Ltd
199 Kurunegala Road Medamulla, Minuwangoda, Sri Lanka
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Working hours
- Monday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Thursday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Friday: 09:00 - 17:30
- Saturday: 09:00 - 13:30
- Sunday: Closed
E-mail address
Company description
Samarakoon Tractors are now 16 years old. From small beginnings we have come a long way to achieve this success. From a small staff of 12 employees we have now risen to 60 and we anticipate employing more staff in the future. We have also expanded our operations.
At first we started importing re-conditioned Massey Ferguson Tractors from UK. We used to import the tractors and then paint and do some modifications and then sell them to the local market with a guarantee. During the period 1995- 2000 we have sold approx 1500 tractors. During the year 2000, we further diversified and started importing Massey Ferguson (MF 240 & MF 385) from Pakistan, so within the period 2000 – 2007 approx 950 units were sold.
During the year 2003 we began assembling 47H/P Tractors in Sri Lanka under the
In addition to Tractors – during the year 2004 we ventured into manufacturing 2 wheel and 4 wheel Tractor Trailers and Water Bowlers which is in very great demand. Further in the same year 2004 we started to import 8 HP & 12 HP Two Wheel Agricultural Tractors and Power Tillers from China. During the Year 2004 we have sold 600 units.
The year 2005 was a memorable year to us as we were awarded as the best entrepreneur in western province from the Sri Lankan entrepreneur contest for the year 2004. This is due to our devotion on behalf of the Sri Lanka agricultural industry. Nevertheless we look back at the first decade with utmost satisfaction and we are confident of moving forward with even more vigor in the coming years.
At first we started importing re-conditioned Massey Ferguson Tractors from UK. We used to import the tractors and then paint and do some modifications and then sell them to the local market with a guarantee. During the period 1995- 2000 we have sold approx 1500 tractors. During the year 2000, we further diversified and started importing Massey Ferguson (MF 240 & MF 385) from Pakistan, so within the period 2000 – 2007 approx 950 units were sold.
During the year 2003 we began assembling 47H/P Tractors in Sri Lanka under the
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name of FARMWELL. This is the 1st Tractor assembling plant in Sri Lanka.In addition to Tractors – during the year 2004 we ventured into manufacturing 2 wheel and 4 wheel Tractor Trailers and Water Bowlers which is in very great demand. Further in the same year 2004 we started to import 8 HP & 12 HP Two Wheel Agricultural Tractors and Power Tillers from China. During the Year 2004 we have sold 600 units.
The year 2005 was a memorable year to us as we were awarded as the best entrepreneur in western province from the Sri Lankan entrepreneur contest for the year 2004. This is due to our devotion on behalf of the Sri Lanka agricultural industry. Nevertheless we look back at the first decade with utmost satisfaction and we are confident of moving forward with even more vigor in the coming years.
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