Telzee - Colombo, Sri Lanka
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14 Sir Baron Jayatilaka Mawatha, Colombo 00100, Sri Lanka
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Company description
Telzee is a software development company specializing in developing Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) Applications. They provide end-to-end communication platforms for both web and mobile, and their team is experienced in popular applications such as Jitsi, Janus, Twilio, Agora, Vonage, and FreeSwitch.
Telzee has worked on over 30 projects, including telemedicine platforms, customer care solutions, virtual health care solutions, filmcasting platforms, and video tours for property management. Some of the services they offer include:
1. Designing and developing meeting solutions based on Jitsi, Janus, Agora, Twilio, and Vonage
2. Developing customer care solutions using FreeSwitch and WebRTC
3. Developing communication applications for telemedicine, online tutoring, virtual events,
4. Autoscalable and highly available setups using Kubernetes and HAProxy
5. Live streaming to custom RTMP endpoints
6. Developing advanced custom frontends from scratch using the lib-jitsi-meet library
7. Autoscalable recording solutions using Jibri and Kubernetes
8. XMPP chat message solutions
9. Monitoring systems using ELK
Telzee has worked on over 30 projects, including telemedicine platforms, customer care solutions, virtual health care solutions, filmcasting platforms, and video tours for property management. Some of the services they offer include:
1. Designing and developing meeting solutions based on Jitsi, Janus, Agora, Twilio, and Vonage
2. Developing customer care solutions using FreeSwitch and WebRTC
3. Developing communication applications for telemedicine, online tutoring, virtual events,
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and enterprise4. Autoscalable and highly available setups using Kubernetes and HAProxy
5. Live streaming to custom RTMP endpoints
6. Developing advanced custom frontends from scratch using the lib-jitsi-meet library
7. Autoscalable recording solutions using Jibri and Kubernetes
8. XMPP chat message solutions
9. Monitoring systems using ELK
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