Elysian Field - Colombo, Sri Lanka
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Elysian Field
Western, Colombo, Sri Lanka
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Company description
Elysian Field is an innovative startup founded by two undergraduates. Drawing inspiration from Greek mythology, our platform is designed to support digital immortality. Our goal is to bring the Elysian Fields, a paradise-like afterlife from Greek mythology, into reality. We want to create a digital Elysium, a peaceful resting place for the souls of the Digital Age.
When someone we love is no longer with us, all we have left are the precious memories we shared. But as time passes, these memories may fade away, and we may eventually forget the small moments that we cherish most. That's why we're here. Our platform will help you preserve those memories, just the way you remember them.
Imagine having an Avatar that could speak like your lost loved one, or being able to have one last
When someone we love is no longer with us, all we have left are the precious memories we shared. But as time passes, these memories may fade away, and we may eventually forget the small moments that we cherish most. That's why we're here. Our platform will help you preserve those memories, just the way you remember them.
Imagine having an Avatar that could speak like your lost loved one, or being able to have one last
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conversation with them. We want to make sure that their thoughts, stories, and memories live on forever. Our platform will be a universal gateway that is open to everyone, no matter their creed or culture. We believe that through this, we will ensure that the legacy of each individual will be remembered for eternity.Listed in categories
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