WebInvoiceMaker - Colombo, Sri Lanka
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Western, Colombo, Sri Lanka
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1-10Company description
WebInvoiceMaker provides an interactive online accounting platform for small businesses to help automate their entire accounting process. From sending out invoices to recording payments, our platform supports all the essential features offered by other online accounting tools. We also work hard on a special module that has not been implemented in any other existing accounting software: the Visual Workflow Management system. It works like a flowchart, where users can simply drag and drop triggers, logic and actions onto a visual interface to create their own company workflows. For example, they can determine what should happen if an invoice is overdue by 30 days or if a new invoice needs to be approved by a CXO before it is sent out.
Our goal is to give small business owners peace of
Our goal is to give small business owners peace of
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mind, so they can focus on what they love doing. At the end of the day, they can be proud of all the hard work that has been done for them without having to worry about delayed payments, approvals, etc. We are also in the process of partnering with a banking entity to provide invoice financing facilities, since it is becoming increasingly popular among small businesses. This will help give our users the reassurance that their cash flow is taken care of.Listed in categories
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