Hotel Sanasta - Badulla, Sri Lanka
Hotel Sanasta
2 Reviews
Hotel Sanasta573 2nd Mile Post Passara Rd0553553535 0777037448
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Hotel Sanasta
573 2nd Mile Post Passara Rd, Badulla, Sri Lanka
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Hotel Sanasta573 2nd Mile Post Passara Rd0553553535 0777037448
complain sanasta Hotel
We don't recommend this hotel to anyone. We Recently went to hotel Sanasta and had a very bad experience when we were there. We lost some money which was in our bag while we we went out. Room was locked. They didn't at least apologize or admit that it happened. Food is also not worth for the price. Neither the rooms. Pool doesn't seems to be maintained properly we saw lot of people swimming and bathing in it with their heavy clothes (shalwar an so on) We felt very unsecured and moved to another hotel, which is cheaper than sanasta and better in service and freedom.
We don't recommend this hotel to anyone. We Recently went to hotel Sanasta and had a very bad experience when we were there. We lost some money which was in our bag while we we went out. Room was locked. They didn't at least apologize or admit that it happened. Food is also not worth for the price. Neither the rooms. Pool doesn't seems to be maintained properly we saw lot of people swimming and bathing in it with their heavy clothes (shalwar an so on) We felt very unsecured and moved to another hotel, which is cheaper than sanasta and better in service and freedom.
Hotel Sanasta573 2nd Mile Post Passara Rd0553553535 0777037448
We did a big mistake be booking this Hotel Called " Sanasta " ... Altogether we booked 07 rooms for our family picnic on last 27th OCT 2012. I did the reservation with the manager well in advance. But when we reach there they have not even clean the rooms. I had to ask them for sweeping & mopping again.
Finally they charged additional amount for kids also in addition to the agreed all inclusive rate. (Somehow I managed to get refunded) It's really disappointing. They are not trustworthy staff.
I Never recommend this hotel for overnight stay..
Finally they charged additional amount for kids also in addition to the agreed all inclusive rate. (Somehow I managed to get refunded) It's really disappointing. They are not trustworthy staff.
I Never recommend this hotel for overnight stay..
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