Yala National Park Safari Jeep Tour - Kandy, Sri Lanka
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Yala National Park Safari Jeep Tour
Yala National Park, Kandy, Sri Lanka
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Working hours
- Monday: 24/7 hours
- Tuesday: 24/7 hours
- Wednesday: 24/7 hours
- Thursday: 24/7 hours
- Friday: 24/7 hours
- Saturday: 24/7 hours
- Sunday: 24/7 hours
Establishment year 2009
Employees 6-10
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Company description
Covering 979 square kilometers, the Yala National Park is located 300 kilometers from Colombo. It lies in the Southern Province and Uva Province. Yala is host to a wide range of ecosystems including monsoon forests, freshwater and marine wetlands. It has 215 species of bairds and 44 mammals. The park also boasts of the highest leopard densities in the entire planet. One can find a variety of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and vertebrates in this national park of Sri Lanka.
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